To the 2025
Whidbey Gardening Workshop (WGW25)!
The 2025 workshop will be held two weeks later than in past years on March 15, 2025 at Oak Harbor High School. This puts the workshop closer to the symbolic first day of spring when many of us are excited for longer days, warmer weather, and that flush of new growth in our gardens. We hope the later date will stir your excitement for getting out in your garden and putting all the information you learn at the workshop to the test.
If you attended the 2024 workshop, you will recognize the structure of WGW25. Again, we will offer 40 classes, demonstrations, Make-n-Take classes, a plant clinic, and our ever-popular Marketplace where you can browse vendors’ booths for gardening tools, books, and décor, and have a cup of coffee and a snack at the 4-H booth.
Our theme this year is “Focusing on our Priorities”. What are our priorities, you ask? Well, the Washington State Master Gardener Foundation has developed a set of nine priorities aimed at addressing environmental and horticulturally based challenges. The priorities are: climate change, clean water, water conservation, soil health, pollinators, local food, plant biodiversity, nearby nature, and wildfire preparedness. Learn more here: (Priorities | Master Gardener Program | Washington State University)
Many of the offered classes will support learning about these priorities and what we as gardeners can do to help meet the challenges. Look for the priority(ies) the class supports in the class descriptions on the website.
WGW25 Co-Chairs:
Barb Faville and Carolyn Lancet
Your donation to the Whidbey Gardening Workshop supports the Island County Master Gardener Foundation's mission to provide an engaging and educational celebration of all things gardening. Classes and practical sessions taught by garden experts and horticulture professionals will inspire your springtime gardening.
You can help by clicking on the Donate button below.